NiBB-Innvovationspreis 2024 für F. M. König
- I was born 1960 in Munich. Son of Prof. Dr.-Ing. em. Herbert L. König, see book "Unsichtbare Umwelt".
- Studies in Munich until 1988: electrical engineering with a focus on communications technology. The associated thesis was "Computational diffuse field transfer measurement definition of headphones", which serves as a theoretical and practical basis for my main activities.
- Obtaining the degree "Doctor of Science and Physics Engineering" Vasile Goldis Western University, Wilmington, Delaware USA in April 2004.
- Establishment of ULTRASONE electroacoustics GmbH, passed into the FKE GmbH (s. EMC & Esmog) in Dec. 1990 and in 2000 the establishment of ULTRASONE AG (headphone acoustics).
- 150 patents and patent applications worldwide, so far, with accompanying, scientific publications and international holding lectures about surround sound and in particular headphone electro acoustics, 3D hearing-/ psychoacoustics and related to this EMF requirements of head-related sound.
Following some conferences / symposia since 1991 mentioned:
- The German DAGA-session (1991-2008).
- Int. AES Convention (s. publications 1994/1995/1997/2000/2004/2006/2007).
- Europäisches Forum Acusticum (1996/1999/2005).
- German sound engineer meetings (1994 - 2006).
- Sound and Vibration 2003 (Stockholm).
- ICA 2001 (Rome).
- Bio-Medic 2000 (Poland).
- Bekesy'-Symposium 1999.
There were also numerous lectures on sferics/technics and atmospheric radiation.
- In the context of mobile educational events,
- e. g. at the TOLLWOOD festival 2006,
- Jupiter-Verlag/ NET-Journal (Zurich 2005),
- geobiological Forschungskreis (1998-2007) etc.
These extensive created foundations culminated in the beginning of 2002 with the start of a worldwide unique investigation.I worked out comparisons between natural (s. sferics / atmospherics) and artificial alternating fields of the atmosphere in it. The result was the in April 2004 completed dissertation (see menu item "Dissertation") at the VGW University in Wilmington Delaware (USA). The surprising, findings that could be drawn from this, not only led to further technological product innovations and patents, but inspired me in 2005 for my german book: "Die Natur braucht Chaos" (in english: nature needs chaos).
As shocking the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl in 1986 was, as inspiring it was for the development of equipments with the aim of reducing the effects of electromagnetic fields. These equipments in form of pipes or cans are successfully in use for over 20 years now successfully deployed and demonstrated their effectiveness in multiple tests.
In addition, I am a member and an employee in DKE / DIN UK 742.6 "Headphones & Microphones" AES SC-04-07 "listening tests" / AES Techn. Commitee. More than 150 partially worldwide patents / patent applications have been developed within 25 years!